Tuesday 2 June 2015

Why is it important for every people in this world to know about India and its ancient and present civilization to save mankind and Earth?

Why is it important for every people in this world to know about India and its ancient and present civilization to save mankind and Earth?

I believe there has been some growing concern about what is right and what is wrong? I killed a guy out of hatred is wrong. I slowly consumed the powers and characters of a guy without hurting him physically are right. Isn’t it? But practically in both ways, something is getting out of the vision or simply lost in transition. How? Let’s come to Karma, the omnipotent law of cause and effect and declassify this word in Western, Islamic and Judaism Civilization. Kindly bother me here, if I forgot to mention any other major Civilization? Yes I got it, Hindu, I forgot to mention it as a foundation of once mighty and culturally rich Indian Civilization.

So according to Western Civilization, all the people of the earth get their ultimate salvation only and exclusively, undoubtedly in a church or house of Jesus or Mary. According to the Islamic Civilization, Allah and Prophet Mohammed are the ultimate truth. Rest all are Exclusively Infidels. According to Judaism Civilization, “Thou shalt have no other God(s), but Jevovah”, instructed his exclusive tribe, to take over ,”the land of Caanan”, by wiping out its innocent natives. According to Indian Civilization, Karma is the ultimate decider and God is a secondary purpose.

Now the top three aforementioned civilizations are considered also as top class religion globally while Indian Civilization has no such claim in such supremely scripted Religion. They considered themselves as Hindu, which denotes the entire population or diverse civilizations living between Himalayas and Kanyakumari down at the bottom near Indian Ocean. Hindu was thus originated as way of life or ONE-NESS, not religion.

Now during my research, I noticed many western and English or Non English speaking Christian friends using the word Karma, which should not actually, be pronounced in English as Karma but Karm (Work/Deed) as originated from Sanskrit literature of Ancient Indian Civilization. So let’s use the correct word being an Indian, though I had 4 years of Sanskrit literature in School but again lost in Transition. Karm or Work/Deed means endless amount of work every time. To be more specific, Human soul or Sanskrit pronunciation Aatma (again it is pronounced incorrectly in Western Culture as Aatman) never dies, even in animals, plants and all other living things. This specifies further that Aatma has a reincarnation form of life, that law which is now a day’s widely used in Energy, an important technology that India mastered around it since its civilization started back in 3000 BCE and it was the first of that kind in Earth much before the Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Jevovah. It is also commonly known as Indus Valley Civilization. And the rest three are also known as Civilizations of Abrahamic Religions.
Now coming back to Karm, I wonder though my friends and social media acquaintances from Abrahamic religions use the word, do they really identify the reason of using such a powerful word among their community. It is also known that People of Abrahamic religions don’t believe in Idol Worshipping. Hindus do believe in Idol Worshipping not because they found a god in it but it is a medium of concentrating and meditating your wide open sourced god, which numbers in 32 Million Gods and Goddesses. So those my friends who believe in Karm must also believe in the fact lying behind it dated back to 3000 BCE, when it was probably originated in Sanskrit by a Hindu Scholar. Reincarnation. And may be also Idol Worshipping. But the bitter truth and a very dark truth is it is forbidden in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. This specifies that they still believe that their origin of God and theologies and ideologies are the superior and exclusive. In layman’s terminology, The Abrahamic religions assert that they can tolerate other religions but will never respect the person following that other religion. Whereas Hindus or Indian Civilization have been shaping all the modern day Civilizations right from the beginning on the basis of Mutual Respect. Hindus never tried to convert or repositioned any stringent law against people of other Civilizations. That Abrahamic Civilizations broke apart the system of Mutual Respect or Natural Phenomena, that’s why you always see a war in Middle East between the Abrahamic Civilizations of Arab and dominating Western Civilizations. There is a wide difference between possessing only tolerance and Possessing mutual respect. That’s how Indians became a powerhouse and Exporters of Civilizations to the other countries and civilizations in the ancient history. All was simply done on the basis of Mutual Respect.

                Hence there are numerous instances to understand what is happening? Is it right or wrong? The Abrahamic religions went on with their aggressive policies of cultural, geographical and economic philosophies in such a way that it simply didn’t cared to take lessons from its founder Indian Civilizations, which gave them science, Mathematics, education, literature, modern day technologies, medicines, Steel, high quality cotton textiles, fabric and other valuable commodities in the form of Gems and Jewelry. This justifies my statement about wrong and right. What you think and you know without finding out its history is not job well done.

                Indian civilizations was so powerful and rich, that even the Ottoman Empire was forced to block the Spice trading route to the Western Civilizations and thus Europeans had to pay hefty taxes to cross the Ottoman blockade and import the quality products from India, even spices, Pesticides, medicines and steel technology etc.  Thus it forced the Spanish Crown to send Columbus to find another trading route with India and he chose westwards crossing the whole Pacific Ocean, which eventually led to the discovery of America and Columbus named the natives as Indians unknowingly. Thus they are now called Native Indians, which was later crushed or consumed slowly by the Christian extremists or land grabber. How many Americans still know the truth? And how many Europeans know this?
                The systematic cleansing of Sanskrit scripture from the global literature should also not be forgotten as a horrific crime by the sponsors of Abrahamic religions. Sanskrit words are systematically replaced with English words, which has no meaning and even if they have, the other civilizations doesn’t know it or follow them. How many times the Islamic Crusaders and the importers of Indian Civilizations tried to invade it and destroy the first civilizations of Human being on planet Earth. What were the purposes of Christian Missionaries in the deepest terrains of India? Why did the Western and Islamic scholars so interested in India? Did they want only spices, medicines and technologies or something more precious than that? What did Swami Vivekananda say in Boston, NY, England and Chicago? Why his speech instantly attracted famous western Scholars, Students and eminent Scientists and Philosophical Indologists (Study of Indian Culture)? Why Vivekananda was given the chairman rank in Harvard and Columbus Universities? There are many such questions and their answers too if someone look closely into the Indian Civilization. Because the Western Civilizations never knew how big were India and its views and ancient technological advances, that they tried to learn it, decipher it and colonize it to systematically clean the civilizations out of its existence. In short, Divide and rule policy was introduced, and religious conversions were carried out from the foot hills of Himalaya to the shores of Indian Ocean. How they tried to steal our civilizations and culture and almost came close of decomposing it forever? How the world’s richest culture and its first civilization was taken apart piece by piece? Is it right and do they even intent to respect our civilization? They say Greece, Egypt was their mother civilization and Sufism, Gothic, Renaissance was pivotal for them. They somehow miscalculated that Islamic or Western culture and civilizations are standardized form. They should also know that all those philosophies was taken from Indian Civilization in vast amount of quantity and manipulated for, in the name of Allah, Jesus etc. Thus the virtue of the originality is hampered and hence Chaos follows.
                As long as they does not respect, we should be united and know our potential. We taught them how to live, what to wear, why and how take a bath, how to read, write and calculate, what to eat, how to be social and whom to respect but I think their house of worship doesn’t value the basic necessities of life, one of which is Mutual respect. If any Church, Mosque or Synagogue says they respect your belief and faith, you should ask the reason and historical compliance and evidences linked with it. They still think they are superior and we are inferior peoples. We ruled for thousands of years without shedding a single bloodshed and it’s still possible by holding the pillar of education, history and awareness and some natural ideologies of Indian civilizations.

So the moral of the article is that Knowing right or wrong is not enough. We have to go to the root to find it, analyze it and remove it permanently in case of a serious problem. Future can be changed only by looking back into the past. We will rise by our karm anyhow, but law of exclusivity has always a limit. Law of compassion and humanity will replace it.

The famous company link below which is funded publicly at international level, shows how a Christian extremist tries to convert a Hindu and decompose its civilization:

Indian GDP graph
Rise of Indian Civilization is highly expected in 21st Century with some Economist predicting it to be the next potential Super Power again as it was in the ancient civilizations.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Exploring an alternative way of effective selling.

Exploring an alternative way of effective selling.

Globalization, indigenization and the vast constellation of business in the form of products and services requires a collective streamlined process of sales. In any flourishing and aspiring business, the sales people lead the race creating an umbilical cord for the business organization. Without proper sales, business is like a house of cards. Thus it evidently requires to stay focused in the frontline for any salesman. It is difficult and hectic but ain't impossible. A business organization is like a garden. The gardener is the best man to nurture the garden with floral and fruitful ambience. The gardener acts like a salesman who knows exactly how much water is to be fed to a particular plant for speedy and maximum growth. This makes the salesman an important member of the business ecology. The desirables are patience, hard work, steadiness and sturdiness. Lets take a look at other invaluable insider aspects of sales that would transform you to a prolific salesman, mapping equally the amount of success, growth and prosperity.

1. Knowledge: The first aspect of any business and consequential selling is the in depth know-how of product, prices, market trends, competition etc. For many a successful sales guys, knowledge is almost half the work done. Most of the salesmen are not given appropriate training and adequate resources, which can help them harness the product knowledge. Inevitably it could sometime backfire, sabotaging the entire business. Sometimes even a tiny and ignorable feature of your product could be the trump card for you. The world has changed and so is business. Customers and clients intents to know every detailed feature of a product or service. So be ready for it. Enhance your learning skill, gather knowledge and present optimistically. Remember life, Learning and knowledge are all the inseparable components of a hydrogen balloon. Inflating the balloon with hydrogen is learning where hydrogen can be related to knowledge which helps the balloon elevate and the balloon itself acts as our life. The same principle holds good for business as well. Extensive and in depth knowledge does keep a salesman on the horizon of success in any business.

2. Identification: Now you have all the knowledge of your product and your organization, the next step is identifying the nature of your client's business, its products, its markets etc. By doing this one can extract an appropriate idea about the need of clients. Even a slightest of hint or expression can execute the process and get your deal done. If you have only one product to sell, then an intelligent and interrogative questionnaire will give you all the facts you want. For multiple products, it is advisable to come handy with variety of questionnaire for the client. The bottom line is never let the client lose interest on you and your product. Keep on probing wherever necessary.

3. Conversation & Rapport Building: Perhaps the most valuable yet priceless skill is our next point. You know yourself, your company and now you got all the desired information about your client's business. Now it is time to talk. This step is similar to dating a girl. You see a beautiful girl, got mesmerized, retrieved a little information about her through her allies; so ask her for a date. Most of the successful sales guys usually get their job done at this stage. Now talking cannot be based on sensitive issues. I found political, business ethos and work experiences are the most clicked conversations. Yes, family and sports/movies related topics are all weather friendly vehicle to ride on. Narcissism has no role to play so better leave your narcissistic behavior in a dustbin. Being a good listener and diplomatic responder not only shows ur omni presence but also let the client generate a distinctive faith on you. Extrovert people usually make the most out of it. Let the relationship grow deep.

4. Self Confidence: I remember few instances, when a sales guy deliberately sold any product on misleading or falsifying statements and informations. Yet the deal was finalized and no further communications were noticed between the client and that sales agent thereafter. I also recall instances when a sales guy pro actively apologized for misleading information to the client, even long before a deal is being finalized. I would always pick the second instance to follow. It shows a goodwill gesture and righteous platform. A generous satisfactory pardonable response from the client after that mistake can exponentially boost your self confidence. Self Confidence can also be grown by following a routine structure and systematic holistic approach.

5. Imagination: As Einstein said "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination". It is more precise than innovation. For it is, which leads to knitted dreams, sky high inspirations, spirited motivations and glorifying success. When hard work fails to do the trick, try to take some time out to imagine things in another way. In layman's term, try something out of the box. It helps to bring a vision and generate some unethical methods to approach a dead client or someone more of a finicky. I saw many guys who does their imagination work long before any persistence of a deal. We can call it pre determined home work. I also came across few sales agents who thinks a lot and retrospect simultaneously. People termed them as paranoid or nostalgic but the undeniable insider fact is that those agents are indeed best in business, so busy in knitting success and design a spell bounding approach to a client.

6. R&D: A very ancient proverb says that "When all the doors have been closed, God keeps open another hidden doorway". That's where R&D comes into play to locate the hidden door. An aspiring sales guy never gets disheartened or demotivated after a rejected deal. Instead he uses his extensive R&D skill to revitalize his existence. Just like a game of cricket. When you can't hit a boundary, try improvising and do R&D. The next ball is sure to find you a run or hopefully a tricky boundary. This involves trial and error method, finding a suitable reference, creating a choice based scenario and finding all different possible routes to the same spot. Anything that leads to unimaginable ways to re-enter an already dead deal is a by product of R&D. An intelligent, analytically bent researcher will find miraculous paths to retain his client. A pleasant rapport in the past may also get you the job done not necessarily instantly but someday it will.

7. Zeal: At this stage, you are not dead yet. May be bit tired. Repeat the above sentence again. That's what zeal is all about. Rejection and misfired deals are not choices but rather make them a chance to outperform your previous backlogs. Bring your sunny side on. Bring all the energy and enthusiasm to earn your incentives passionately and humbly.

8. Online Presence: Business deals and sales negotiations are not only done in office, telephonic or in field marketing but also internet. In the 21st century of immense technological and internet paradigm, it would be too naive to let go of it without using internet. Online presence and social media is undoubtedly an useful and giant tool to use and persuade clients and customers. Few professional platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Alibaba, Skype etc other than casual sites like Twitter, FaceBook, Watsapp does provide detailed structured informations and paves way for private conversations. In fact, now a days, a rigorously designed social media marketing is certainly a worthy implication of online presence. It is a very precisely sharp tool, which could cruise you to other correlated success and may enlighten a passage to unearth many more alternative and unethical ways of accomplishing business. With increasing usage of internet and social media, it is not necessary to reach a deal in wee office hours but try buzzing online late at night and you may luckily find your client in the chat box with a green pointer on, i.e. available for chat. Isn't it an exemplary innovative way? I sure think it is.

Apart from the aforementioned aspects it is also necessary to keep a constant tab on your soft skills and current affairs along with global business Environment. I am sure you don't wanna embarrass yourself by not knowing the exchange rates of major currencies or talking about a political leader or celebrity with your overseas client who is actually not interested neither in politics or life of an utopian celebrity.

/*The 3ND*/
/*Happy Business*/

Friday 16 January 2015

Your love, My dream.

Standing on the ridge of emotional tenderness, I so get appalled by the stimulating beauty of your insideness.

The clouds of feelings, the rains of serendipity, the waves of love, Exalts me as through the winds of glory flies an unloosen dove.

Fallen amid the softness of a vast rose laden scape, I woke up beholding a fallen tear about to cape.

Remembering the curious heartfelt once when I saw you, I sit aside to have all the charms of you just like the morning leaves sparkled with dew.

For me and to those ur beautiful moments I witness, makes me wish they remain unfainted n ageless.

Your beauty and my unspeakable words of love are truly no match, I am just a wondering captive in the unseen dreams of yours that never hatch.

River to river, wind by wind, seasons of seasons passes by, I'd never condemn the plethora of loneliness, as ur beautiful face and our wishful nights gives me scenic sigh.

Out of the darkness, I shall be emancipated and glow one day, hoping the unending dream of your love would make me realize to say.

When your beauty and your calmness still would be at the tallest of hill, I shall say reaching at the top of quest of eternity might kill.

Have I not ever try to fly like that unloosen dove, what dignifies me to say I am the enchanting proudest dreamer of your love.

Monday I will, someday you will.
One day we both will.

Saturday 3 January 2015

where do we stand at Palestine vs US-Israel alignment

Lets take a look at the Zionist regime blackmailing innocent Palestine's with its crooked ally US to cut off 400 millions USD by supporting a cause of Palestinian authority linked with Hamas. Hamas were not terrorists. They were fellow Palestine's who were forced to take arms n weapons after brutal suppression n genocide by the Jews themselves. What could anybody do at the world's largest prison with no commercial n economic zone. Also not to forget the fact that the birth of Hamas is the cause of intense corruption by the Fateh led government. Even a bird or wild animal is not meant to be kept inside cage. Some fires can not be doused with water or anything. Those fires meant to burn n destroy all in its reach. Hamas was born to be that fire after the Jews n US APAC policy was constructively made to ethnically cleanse Palestine of their own land. The APAC policy is a exponentially growing billion dollar controlled nuclear bomb to destabilize middle east by forming a natural ally in the region, Jews n Zionist n Israel. For what? Oil oil n oil. Conclusion says continuous mistakes doesn't erect a bridge rather a deadly wave. We all see what deadly waves are forming in the class of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Shabab etc which are tremendously motivated to destroy US n Jews. Stopping them is not possible now, even after a non nuclear world war due to the fact of their Islamic salafism and  jihadism. Where do we stand now is at the bridge of ecological political n sociological financial catastrophe. They started this ugly war n the war is taking its course to end civilization to the very last human being. So why the fuck should we blame Palestine in any condition who were deprived off their own land under imperial British colony, after world war 2 by the British n American think tanks to let the Jews land in palestine after Hitler's wrath in Europe. Nobody sits silent when they are kicked out of their own home. However it ignites a volatile revolt in which everybody's life are at stake. Palestine's were innocent farmer class people who were forced to erupt as a volcano in middle east n this volcanic lava reaches thousands of miles across the globe. Palestine's are not to be blamed but its the white house men, federal banks, APAC and The Zionist regime who are responsible for the ugly war. They want power and rule, but you cannot rule and control the land and people far from ur reach and civilization even not with F22 and F35. I am writing this article for strongly protesting Israeli allegations against Palestine and US money and oil smudging intentions. I hope ICC would play a fair game unbiased.