Sunday, 27 August 2017

An Open Letter to Christians and Muslims From A Fellow Hindu

Om Namah Shivaya
||ॐ नमः शवाय||

Read it carefully and understand. And Then Share it to
your Hindu Friends. Discuss with them & clarify the
doubts. Please don’t live in misunderstandings as it may
give harm us in future in some ways. It is important for
our children & our future.

By: Subhra P. Dey

The world needs to know what Hinduism can achieve in terms of peace,
harmony, compassion, pluralism, unity, co-existence, prosperity &
brotherhood. Hinduism had the greatest impact in recognizing non-violence
through spiritual extremeness & consciousness. Only those people will
understand it, who lives by it & embraced it in some form or other. Only the
nomad, sadistic, angry, mischievous, radical has become the ultimate
peaceful who embraced it and got healed from it.

Hinduism is nothing about myth but standard & factual history of our past
which are well approved by even science. Actually, Hinduism gave birth to
the science and someday Science will have to acknowledge the massive
wealth of Hinduism and make a bridge to help mankind and the planet
surviving peacefully. Thus Science & Hinduism now exists together &
enjoys their coexistence. Many famous scientists & historians have invented
their remarkable theories & inventions from the very books of Hinduism.
Numerous famous philosophers have found inspirations from Hinduism &
left their splendid works with us to show the future how beneficial and
powerful Hinduism can be. Without those inventions, works and
discoveries, we would all have been dusting in stone age. Hinduism is a
vast & galactic collection of data and information which even Science is
lacking with equipments to research it. So Science is still a long way to go
to decipher it.

Hinduism has come from time unknown and beyond. Some say it is more
than 5000 years old. Some say it is more than 10,000 years. But Scientists,
Geologists and Historians recently dated it to be more 28,000 years old.
They termed it ageless. Hinduism comes in the process of knowledge and

ancient cultures which our ancient sages had lived with and articulated &
advised us how to follow those cultures in life to lead a successful way of
life. There are no holy books in Hinduism but there more than 1000 books
which are considered sacred and the oldest literature of the world which are
simply based on classical models to spur knowledge among us. To start
with Hinduism (and not going into details), it begins with Vedas (meaning
Vidya or Knowledge which came from the word vid). It deals in cosmology,
laws of nature and elements. Then comes the Puranas (meaning The
Ancients) which are stories of various peoples of the past and their
contributions to the society. Some of them gods & goddesses and some are
their manifestations and other personalities. And so on the books of
knowledge goes telling us a beautiful epic of mankind & survival in the 4

By learning about Hinduism, we can yield the highest virtue of purpose of
life with simplicity. Hinduism is no longer a topic of ignorance which is
being embraced by a vast majority of people not only in India & Nepal but it
has quickly spread through Western countries & America along with Japan,
South Korea & countries of South America and Africa. Indeed it is the
fastest growing culture in the world. Ireland, Italy, Germany, Russia,
America, Netherlands have already showing the largest traits of it and
others too following those countrymen are rapidly embracing Hinduism in
their search of ultimate reality and peaceful co-existence.

Since 2011, in this journey of Pan-Hinduism, I have noticed & engaged with
many disciples of Hinduism & Buddhism who came forward from a
deceptive background of Islam & Christianity, who were indoctrinated to
these cults & dogma at a time of their childhood. We have witnessed their
forceful, threatening indoctrination in their schools, churches, mosques &
even homes primarily by the respective priests, parents, relatives etc.; So
now I believe the world has plummeted for them, failed them in reaching
the higher grounds of morality, rationality, objectivity & rigidity. Many have
been subjected to clue of the failure turning them possibly into radical
elements in the society. Many have lost the sense in their ultimate identity.
Many are no longer been able to see the purpose of life. Many have lost
motivation and chose different criteria to live life such as terrorism, drugs,
smuggling, sexual crimes and homicidal activities. What an indignity, we
are living into and often ply out why they were subjected to this tragedy by
the fellows of unreliable & gruesome forces who work for these Churches
and Mosques. These forces have literally waged a brutal war on the
principle of exclusivity of god and sins. What sins we are talking here now.
What sins we had born with and what sins if we are not born with; is a
questionable sensation for all of us to feel.

Is God so cruel to make us born with sins or are we getting indoctrinated by
those forces of respective churches and mosques? Have we lost our logical
and reasoning sanity to not see the darkest & sinister programs? Are we not
tired of that limitless enigma of their programs which are made to divide
peoples among the lines of religion, dogma, race, color of skin, caste & even
inclination of our noses?

If not why are the deadly wars responsible for the mortifying loss of millions
of innocents? Are not millions despicable tried to act of their own
foolishness who is trying to abolish them of their very own existence?

The grand unanimous answer is YES. Yes we are continuously falling in
this deepest enigma of miserable void but we are rather made to fall only by
those dark & evil forces that would stop at nothing, not even at your
merciful attention. Why do we not straighten the fact that we need to be
unite in this vital fight against those forces who are working against our
life, our family, our relationship and our own endurance & identity. We are
humans after all and not sinners. Sinners are not sent to earth for lavish
ingredient of comforts and luxury. Sinners are not happy, sinners don’t
smile and eat food but live as a slave to their masters who are not God
indeed. Yes we are not sinners; yes we are not accountable to any pre-conditional feature of life. The question thus arises here are what are we? What purpose we are given to? Why the hell are we not immortal by those

The answers lie only in one & only one vision. That vision is Hinduism. For
6 years, I have not found those answers in any books like Bible, Quran,
Hadith or Sahih Al-Bukhari which are a mere set of 1000 pages book
bounded in creepy covers and are sold to billion copies to every generation
of our children. Why are we letting those forces controlling our minds and
life to lead a deadly consequence that we are seeing for long time in the
past. Death & misery have become a common form for people living in Gulf
& African Nations, recently Philippines and Eastern Europe. What is the
index of longtime happiness we see in Europe & America now a days?

Do some research as well in hospitals & psychiatric wards. There will be
plenty accountable information regarding this tragic mayhem which is
going on in the West, Gulf, South & North America. Why Asia has been
projected to the highest edge, in terms of index of happiness although
Asians are now a day’s being subjected to similar sinister programs by the
evil forces of those Churches & Mosques. Let’s stop this nuisance and work
for progressive unity, peace & harmony. Hinduism will take you there
without any single occurrence of proselytization/conversion tactics. It is not
something that is thrown or forced or fed into our unlearned childish
brains. It is practiced, viewed, earned, learned, felt and nurtured. We then
become experts of it. We can then only control our limitless powers into
useful activities. So Hinduism will have answers to all your questions which
we were asking but unfortunately not getting answers. Hinduism will give
you a wide variety of scopes in this limitless journey of eternity and lively
experience of happiness. Many questions were made prohibited by your
churches and mosques to be answered. Why? Have you ever asked them
why can’t you get the answers of your concerned questions? Let me tell you

It is because their literature & books are very complex, confusing, and
dilemmatic to our logical questions. It is because your answers were not
pre-written or ever thought of by them. It is because you will know the
suspicious & darker sinister programs of the closely knit organization of evil
Churches & Mosques. Stop them before they act into your conscience and
make you a slave of unseen & unregistered reality.

In the beginning, it will be hard for you to get out of our indoctrinated faith
and acquire those answers of your concerned question. It will need your
guts and balls to compromise with it for some time. Remember to control
your grip into it. But in the end humans have always found another open
door. It is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter of endless
happiness and door to another realm of consciousness. Those who opened
& walked into that door have known the ultimate reality, consciousness.
They have found satisfaction of the questioning them and asking answers of
the concerned. Yes they have finally found the answers.

You may now also humbly share the details of this valuable information to
the near & dear ones who have fallen into the trap of Christianity & Islam are
finding it difficult to come out of their faith and question the needful to find
the answers.

In this very journey since 2012, I have met them and I have found them
living their truest life of eternity and blissfulness. It echoes to my heart and
brings joy to my core of beliefs and gives me strength everyday to work for
more on this regard.

P.S. The world is smaller in internet & social media so get in touch with me
whenever you seek those answers. I will try my best to ascertain the
concern and bring more simplified form of reasoning, factual determination
and logical interpretations. I can also be found in following digital platform:

1. Email:
2. Twitter: @dharmicPurush
3. Whatsapp: +91-7002323916
4. Skype: merqrus
5. Facebook:

  1. I am not a born Sinner. I am born divine.
  2. My Karma will take you to my rightful place.
  3. I don’t fear god. Why should I? He/she is not evil. They are our father/mother who loves us unconditionally.
  4. My duties, work & activities of selfless determination, benevolent ideology & meticulous compassion will lead to fruitful success.
  5. I won’t take it for money. I won’t do it for money.
  6. I won’t deceit or let dishonesty control my life.
  7. I won’t let others indoctrinate me who will prohibit me to ask what I seek.
  8. I will always seek the answers & basics of your untold indoctrinated path.
  9. Let me not stop what I seek to you. Be moral, rational, reasoning, logical & generous.
  10. I am not exclusive of other people but inclusive.
  11. We all are same and hence like to seek the answers of equality and pluralism.
  12. Show me the purpose of life in regards of mutual understanding and co-existence with other peoples of different race, caste, cults, belief and religion without proselytizing or converting them.  

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny of 1946

RIN 1946
Royal Indian Mutiny 1946
An anti-colonial attitude swept through India. Indians deeply resented the fact that their army was now being sent to crush the new peoples’ governments in Burma, Indonesia and Indo-China, and re-establish French and Dutch colonies. In the last months of 1945, police killed 63 protesters in Bombay and Calcutta. These were turbulent times and the young Indian soldier was deeply affected. As BC Dutt, one of the leaders of the RIN mutiny wrote in his memoir, ‘The barrack walls were no longer high enough to contain the tide of nationalism’.
In Bombay, HMIS Talwar was the signal-training establishment of the RIN. With 1500 officers and enlisted members on board, it was the second-largest training center in the whole empire. In the informative recollections titled Mutiny of the Innocents and The RIN Strike By a Group of Victimized Ratings, the former mutineers detailed the squalor on board the Talwar and the indifference or racism of the British officers. The Ratings came from widely different regions… belonged to Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Sikh families. The years spent in the navy had made them – the ratings of the RIN – Indians’. Some formed a clandestine group called ‘Azadi Hindi’ and planned to create general disorder and unrest on Talwar. On Navy Day, 1stDec, 1945, they painted ‘Quit India’, ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ and ‘Revolt Now’ all over the establishment and repeated it when Commander-in-Chief General Auchinlek came on a visit. Dutt was eventually arrested but his defiant reply to Commanding Officer King – ‘…Save your breath, I am ready to face your firing squad’ – made him an instant hero. The unprecedented incidents received press coverage and surprised everyone. However, CO King responded by calling the ratings ‘you sons of bitches’ and ‘sons of bloody junglees’ The emboldened ratings replied with slogans painted all over the Talwar, and even deflated the tires of King’s car. Though the events were confined to one center, word spread to all the ships and shore establishments in Bombay. Ratings openly began to discuss politics, set up a INA Relief Fund and submitted individual letters protesting against CO King.
The strike at HMIS Talwar ripples outwards-On February 17, when the ratings reiterated their demand for decent food, British officers sneered that ‘beggars cannot be choosers’. This was the last straw. On the 18th morning, 1500 ratings walked out of the mess hall in protest, a clear act of mutiny. They also declared that ‘this is not a mere food riot. We are about to create history…a heritage of pride for free India.’ By 4.30 pm, the ratings had rejected the appeals of their officers and even Rear Admiral Rattray. The ‘strike committee’ decided their task was to take over the RIN and place it in the command of national leaders. A formal list of demands called for release of all Indian political prisoners including INA POWs and naval detainees, withdrawal of Indian troops from Indonesia and Egypt, equal status of pay and allowances and best class of Indian food. It also formally asked the British to quit India. By that night, AIR (All India Radio) and BBC had to broadcast the news of the RIN strike and it spread like wildfire across the country.
Starting in Bombay, the naval strike spread across British India, from Karachi to Calcutta and ultimately came to involve 78 ships, 20 shore establishments and 20,000 sailors. The ratings in Calcutta, Madras, Karachi and Vizag went on strike with the slogans "Strike for Bombay", "Release 11,000 INA prisoners" and "Jai Hind" (Victory to India). The mutineers kept in touch via the radio relayed from HMIS Talwar. The White Ensign was hauled down. Signifying their unity and wish to overcome the divisions among Indian political leaders, the mutinying ships hoisted three flags tied together — those of the Congress, Muslim League, and the Red Flag of the Communist Party of India (CPI).
Hundreds of strikers from the sloops, minesweepers and shore establishments in Bombay demonstrated for 2 hours along Hornby Road. Many of the men had armed themselves with spanners and iron bars. But they had wide support, and there were many spontaneous actions. In some places vehicles carrying mail were stopped and the mail burnt. British men and women going in cars and victorias were made to get down and shout "Jai Hind" (Victory to India). Meanwhile the navy's big guns were trained on the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Yacht Club and other buildings from morning till evening.
Onshore the mutineers were supported by demonstrations which included a one-day general strike in Bombay. The strike spread to other cities, and was joined by the Royal Indian Air Force and local police forces. Naval officers and men began calling themselves the "Indian National Navy" and offered left-handed salutes to British officers. At some places, NCOs in the British Indian Army ignored and defied orders from British superiors. In Madras and Pune, the British garrisons had to face revolts within the ranks of the Indian Army. A Gurkha unit refused orders to fire on strikers.
It should be noted that the sailors' grievance over food was but small compared with what many civilians had endured. While the Indian army and navy had been expected to help defend India and serve the British empire during the War, the British authorities had let three million people die from famine in Bengal in 1943. Small wonder that now, taking the naval mutiny as signal that their time had come, people took part in widespread rioting in Calcutta and elsewhere.
But the mutineers received no support from the national leaders. Mahatma Gandhi in a statement on 3 March 1946 criticised the strikers for mutinying without the call of a "prepared revolutionary party" and without the "guidance and intervention" of "political leaders of their choice". He further criticised the local Indian National Congress leader Aruna Asaf Ali, one of the few prominent political leaders of the time to offer her support for the mutineers, stating she would rather unite Hindus and Muslims on the barricades than on the constitutional front.
The Muslim League argued that the unrest of the sailors was not best expressed on the streets, however serious the grievance may be. Legitimacy could only be conferred by a recognised political leadership. Spontaneous upsurges could only disrupt political consensus. Thus the two main parties, on course to accept British backed partition, with all the bloodshed that followed, were united for once in asserting their authority, against the sailors who mounted such a powerful show of unity and threat to British rule, and against the masses who were ready to support the sailors.
By February 20, the third day, British destroyers had positioned themselves off Bombay. The British prime minister, Labour's Clement Attlee, ordered the Royal Navy to put down the revolt. Admiral J.H. Godfrey, the Flag Officer commanding the RIN, went on air with his order to "Submit or perish". Rumours spread that Australian and Canadian armed battalions had been stationed outside the Lion gate and the Gun gate to encircle the dockyard where most ships were berthed. However, by this time, all the armouries of the ships and establishments had been seized by the striking ratings. The clerks, cleaning hands, cooks and wireless operators of the striking ship armed themselves with whatever weapon was available to resist the British destroyers that had sailed from Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
The Royal Air Force flew a squadron of bombers low over Bombay harbour in a show of force, as Admiral Rattray, Flag Officer, Bombay, RIN, issued an ultimatum asking the ratings to raise black flags and surrender unconditionally. (One interesting rumor has it that a Squadron of Royal Indian Air Force planes were ordered to do this however the entire fleet of planes all developed “engine problems”).
In Karachi, the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch had been called from their barracks. The first priority was to deal with the mutiny on Manora Island where the HMIS Hindustan was stationed. Ratings holding the Hindustan opened fire when attempts were made to board the ship.
At midnight, the 2nd Battalion was ordered to proceed to Manora, expecting resistance from the Indian naval ratings who had taken over the shore establishments . The Battalion was ferried silently across in launches and landing craft. D company was the first across, and they immediately proceeded to the southern end of the island. The remainder of the Battalion stayed at the southern end of the Island. By the morning, the British soldiers had secured the island.
Confrontation with the Hindustan
The decision was made to confront the Indian naval ratings on board the destroyer Hindustan, armed with 4-in. guns. During the morning three guns from the Royal Artillery C. Troop arrived on the island. The Royal Artillery positioned the battery within point blank range of the Hindustan on the dockside. An ultimatum was delivered to the mutineers aboard Hindustan, stating that if they did not the leave the ship and put down their weapons by 10:30 they would have to face the consequences. The deadline came and went and there was no message from the ship or any movement. Orders were given to open fire at 10:33. The gunners' first round was on target. On board the Hindustan the Indian naval ratings began to return gunfire and several shells whistled over the Royal Artillery guns. Most of the shells fired by the Indian ratings went harmlessly overhead and fell on Karachi itself. They had not been primed so there were no casualties. However, the mutineers could not hold on. At 10:51 the white flag was raised. British naval personnel boarded the ship to remove casualties and the remainder of the mutinous crew. Extensive damage had been done to Hindustan's superstructure and there were many casualties among the Indian sailors.
The mutiny was called off following a meeting between the President of the Naval Central Strike Committee and members of the Congress, who had been sent to Bombay to settle the crisis. A statement was issued calling on the strikers to end their action, which was later echoed by a statement issued in Calcutta by Mohammed Ali Jinnah on behalf of the Muslim League. Under these considerable pressures, the strikers gave way.
The negotiations lasted some days, and it seemed as though the demands of the strikers were conceded in principle. Immediate steps were taken to improve the quality of food served in the ratings’ kitchen and their living conditions. The national leaders also assured that favourable consideration would be accorded to the release of all the prisoners of the Indian National Army. However, despite assurances of the good services of the Congress and the Muslim League widespread arrests were made. These were followed up by courts martial and large scale dismissals from the service. None of those dismissed were reinstated into either the Indian or Pakistani navies after independence, nor were they offered compensation.
Disturbances continued on shore after the strike had ended, and a British intelligence summary issued on March 25, 1946 admitted that the Indian army, navy and air force units were no longer trust worthy, and if wide-scale public unrest took shape, the armed forces could not be relied upon to support counter-insurgency operations as they had been during the Quit India movement of 1942. Coupled with the strikes that erupted across the Royal Air Force that year, the Indian navy mutiny was therefore a key factor in the British government's decision to get out of India. British Prime Minister Clement Attlee admitted as much.
The Indian and Pakistani governments have been less honest in acknowledging this event for many years.. In one incident in West Bengal in 1965, a play based on the events, Kallol (Sound of the Wave), was banned by the Congress government, and playwright Utpal Dutt imprisoned. In later years India felt it safer to adopt the history. The RIN Mutiny was renamed the Naval Uprising, a statue erected in Mumbai, and Navy ships named after two prominent mutineers, Madan Singh and B.C Dutt.
The rest of the world has been educated by Western cinema's version of India's road to independence, those who fight oppression are periodically advised to follow the path of Gandhi, and stick to non-violent civil disobedience (and usually the emphasis is on civil, rather than disobedience). Without detracting either from the Mahatma's greatness or that of the masses who followed him, we must remember also the persuasive part played by the guns of the Indian navy when they were trained on the Bombay yacht club!
Source: Sabretache, The Official Journal Of The Calgary Military Historical Society, May 2016
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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Steps to Create a Bootable USB Flash Drive Without Using Any Software & complicity.

Bootable Flash Drive for installing Windows 7
Initial Diagram for Representation of Drives

Diskpart Command to make Flash Drive Bootable
Using DiskPart command and making the flash drive bootable

Disklist, CD Boot, Boot sect, XCopy. Creating Boot Sector and Copying installation files.
Creation of Boot Sector and
Copying of all installation files from Computer to Flash Drive.
Thank You.
Tweet @dharmicPurush

Indian Army - The world's best army. Not boasting or showing off but indeed actually it is. Read out to find.

Indian Army

What does this picture reveals about specialty of Indian Army, specially Rashtriya Rifles who always work in near fatal zones & regions? Why Indian Army is the most fierce, demanding, disciplined & dangerous army in the world to be recognized even by the Russians & Americans. Every Country wants to train with Indian Army and some do so covertly and overtly. Indian Army gives special Graduation Degrees even to many foreign friendly countries including US, Russia, Israel, UK and other Asian and Africans Nations.
Rashtriya Rifles
Indian Army - Rashtriya Rifles Personnel in a balaclava running to an exit after covert operation against Pakistani Terrorists.
1. This is a one man army amidst 300-500 stone pelting & petrol bombing gangs. If they catch him alive, he will be beaten with stones, lynched, tortured the most brutal way and probably eaten alive while the leader will eat his still beating heart. Just imagine his valor.
2. This picture shows the stainless-steel bravery of an Indian Army personnel who though is a voluntary force yet swore his allegiance to protect our nation, our family and his brigade and lastly his own. Just imagine his vigorous discipline. 3. This picture undoubtedly shows that its a covert operation in a non-uniform attire. Even though the way he is exiting from the operations makes a spellbinding, thrilling ops. Imagine his pure stamina. 4. With only 30 bullets/rounds (against 300-500 enemies) in the magazine of the Gun, a walkie-talkie and a bulletproof headgear, this one man Army in a balaclava wearing face looks as cool as he runs through the last check point of the road before the nightfall. Imagine his hawk's eye confidence. 5. Very few had the guts & qualities in a covert espionage operations apart from genuine Para SF, this Rashtriya Rifles guy is showing his dedication & love for the Nation with all extremities & caliber to become one in the future. Just imagine his restlessness inside, dedication & robust attitude.
Para SF
India Army Parade. 
If its not for the Indian Army, we would have long been Islamized living in the bronze ages of slavery, death, horrors & misery & brutalized ghettos under Shariah law of Islam. We owe so much to them, to their life every second and everyday of our life. That is why because they are, the Nation is and we will live on comfortably & safely 24*7*365 days a Year.
Long live the Badass Indian Army, Navy & Air Force Personnel & Heartfelt Wishes for their family. Kindly think of them & their sacrifices which will bring a smile on you along with a sense of Nationalism. Pray for them whenever you feel safe & secured from enemy. They are your shield against the bad things too. If Raksha Bandhan is celebrated, so does the brave men of Indian Army, Navy & Air Force day. There is something special about only one army in the whole world and that's the Indian Army. I feel more proud of them in the world rather the tourist spots of India. Every foreign Country knows how powerful, disciplined and brave Indian Army is yet voluntary.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Communism in simple words without using much jargons of a half witted saddistic philosopher called Karl Marx and his inheritances namely Mao Zedhong, Stalin, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara etc.

This is what Communism is.

This is what Communist Party of Marxism/Maoism do. This is what China, Cuba, North Korea is. This is what Communists love kill people in the name of equality (Unequal), progressive (Under-developed) government (Rogue Regime & Hermit State) which is isolated by normal peoples who want growth. Few interesting facts of #Communism. Share & Spread it. Ignore the spelling mistakes.
Communists are highly anti-nationals be it anywhere. Communism can't be imposed Nationally because the very principle of downtrodden Karl Marx was of creating a system of equality mostly in Industrial & Working sector. Hence there is no chance that this principle could be of National Impact and hence it never has been implemented in a National cause. As per the own words of self-intellectual Karl Marx (I call him stupid western unworthy guy) who created this fragile which only brought more despair, unrest and unsocial elecments in every form. Religious Terrorism was one of the first element which Communism laid its path to. Yes again dont be surprised with that as you might though Communism is based on Atheism. This idea was deliberately used by Religious fanatics to change the way of terrorism, which incidentally gave birth to Jihad following the fall of the Communist USSR or Russian invasion in Afghanistan. CIA intelligently used the communist card to fuel more terrorism. In, India, Religious terrorism got limelight in the later centuries but Naxal & Urban Terrorism are old schools. One more interesting thing of Karl Marx which was gradually omitted to suit the self interest of Communism was that Karl Marx himself once quoted that Democracy itself is a class which should not be experimented with new ideologies. But history is evidence that Humans are intelligent in spreading rumours and rumours become trends very rapidly. Communism indeed spread globally and in India too but in disiguse of humanity, equality, development, Social Harmony and any bogus things that can be used by communists to retain the power only to the communist Bourgeois class. Proletariats were just helping hands and innocent victims. Eating the shitty products of their own Shits. CPC is actually an Anti-China Party. Don't be surprise with that. The CPC PLA is a Communist Party of China Army rather National. Taiwan is the main Nationalist China not CPC. Be it any country whether North Korea, Cuba etc. Vietnam is a different story now because even though they are a communist government, they tasted the nasty blow from Chinese Communist Party in the form of war in the aftermath of US invasion of Vietnam. Cambodia Communist Party lead a helping hand to Chinese in that.
In the history of Bengal, there were numerous cases of communists who even butchered their own families for the sake of the Red Party of Hammer & Sickle. Communists never disgrace their Hindu surnames but happily keep it to hide among Hindu population to carry out Anti-Hindu operations. This is not a secret anymore. The frontline leaders of Communist Party are actually all Brahmins born who protest for the rights of Minority Dalits but they wont give the same standard as theirs.
These dark secret operations activities of Communists help them in hiding or covering themselves among the majority Hindu Population. This also helps in Guerrilla warfare from Jungles. Communism is the root problem in every country even in America, Britain hindering development of all. But in West, it has extremely higher imperial vision too like that in China now a days. Expansionism Regime fuels Imperialism. The so called Proletariat class are brainwashed by the Bourgouise Rolls Royce class in taking the front line war keeping & depriving them of valuable development for generations, otherwise they will slip away and defect. Similarly there are millions of defections from Communist party from China, India & North Korea too enjoying the high comforts of the west. China has created more than 20 Millions defection from their communist party who are living abroad now since generations.  Last but not the least; few sentences.
  • Communism sees no Family, love or Emotional Relations.
  • Communism sees no Nationality except the red hammer & sickle party.
  • Communism sees no bonding and social life except surreal disintegrating life. 
  • Communism sees no boundary as they think all should follow their witless ideology. 
  • Communism is a major contributor to Suicidal deaths, hyper tensions & Psychopathic illness.
  • Communism is a downward spiral of infinite rockbottom which only brings destruction wherever it leads.
  • China only propagates the good things inside China because the media & army is again controlled by the party rather its People. You can use google and other media to even Google Earth to see the ground reality which is horrifying how they treat the minorities.
  • Communist will apply every tactics to fools its own people for the superior unbending image of the party.
  • Communism is a deadly cancer which can be diagnosed in early states but can be with sophisticated education & well matured mentality.

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram. Dharmic Entrepreneur. #SaveTibetFromCommunists

Friday, 10 March 2017

Are you afraid of getting spied on?

How to keep yourself safe and secure from being spied on by Governments, Hackers, Spies, Trolls & other nefarious elements?

Stop yourself from getting spied on.

1. While playing online games, keep your mobile on Airplane Mode

Many games don’t need internet connection to run, but their ads do. Killing the connection will block the ads from displaying and stop the transmission of your personal data, both by the game and by third-party ads. Airplane mode may also help your game run efficiently as the processor stops trying to load the ads. Ads also bring adware and other fictitious spyware and malware which affect the device and helps spyware to track your information & data.

2. Use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to browse the Internet.

A VPN encrypts all data traffic to and from your phone, tablet or computer by routing it through a VPN provider's server. Using a VPN won't stop apps and ads from collecting and transmitting your personal data, but it will make it much more difficult for spies or hackers to eavesdrop on those transmissions. VPN apps such as Hotspot Shield or VPN Express can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play store. Incognito windows can also be used in Google Chrome Browser.

3. Don't post on Social-Media accounts while connected to Cellular data networks.

As an alternative, wait until you're connected to a secure, password-protected home or workplace Wi-Fi network. Better yet, don't post to social media accounts from your Smartphone at all. Wait until you're seated at a desktop or laptop PC and connected to the social-media service via a secure HTTPS connection.

4. Install HTTPS Everywhere.

“HTTPS Everywhere” is a browser plug-in for Firefox, Chrome and Opera desktop browsers provided free by the Electronic Frontier Foundation in your desktop computer or laptop. There's no Smartphone equivalent of it yet, but if a website, such as Facebook or Twitter, is capable of securely connecting to your computer, HTTPS Everywhere will make sure it does.

5. Turn off Wi-Fi, GPS and Geo-location on your phone.

Wi-Fi, GPS and Geo-location can all be used to quickly pinpoint your location. Don't use them until you absolutely need them. You may have to go into each app's settings to turn off Geo-location, but start with apps capable of taking photos. If you do all that, spies and hackers won't be able to use app data to tell where you are, or where you've been.

6. Turn off Cellular Data connections when not in need.

If you don't need to receive constant email updates when on the go, turn off cellular data and go online only when connected to a secure, password-protected Wi-Fi network. You'll still be able to get text messages and voice calls, and your battery life will probably improve. It will also help the Smartphone or device runs smoothly as continuous updates consumes lots of memory.

7. Last not the least, 

All Smartphone are tracking devices and it is best to get rid of them and try getting a dumb phone. It takes a lot more of hectic and painful and sophisticated work for spies to get location data and personal information out of something that can't run Twitter, Facebook or play Angry Birds and other apps coming with 3rd-party ads.

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Saturday, 25 February 2017

A Story about Religion: Truth or Lie depends on the viewer's perception.

A Story: Truth or Lie depends on the viewer's perception.
In ancient times, it would take several months to travel from India to Middle East.
By history, Indus Valley Civilization is the oldest civilization which is still surviving today. It was a thriving civilization with technology, trade, Arts, Culture, Philosophy & Population that has its existence in many parts of India. The Indus Valley was situated along the banks of the River Saraswati which has dried up now.
In those ancient times, People from Indus Valley were engaged in business and trade with many other civilizations in the Middle-East. Europe in those times were still cavemen or busy hunting animals for food. Different kind of traders and salesmen from Indus Valley used to go middle east for trading, mostly with Spices, Cotton, Iron & Steel, Ayurvedic medicines, arts and handicrafts.
Traders and their accomplices used to get tired of their several months of journey through rough seas & the extreme cold & desert conditions through the Himalayas and deserts of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc. They used to take rest as soon as they would reach the lands of Middle East with the locals and the locals would welcome them. Children used to eagerly waiting for them in the hope of any gifts being brought for them. Sometimes they were fortunate enough to get gifts from the traders and the elders used to drink and enjoy with them after the sunset. It was every society's life style back in thousands of year ago. Being curious about to meet people from other civilizations & different land with different language and culture.
Sometimes they would share stories and games they would play at their home. In the process, each of the Indus Valley traders would share stories of Ramayan or Mahabharat and the great characters involved in that. The people from middle east would get amazed & more curious about the stories and the powerful & godly characters. Nobody kept diaries those days to keep up the notes and it would be foolish to expect journalism in ancient times. But yes, news used to spread very fast in those times and similarly such stories from India were widespread in Middle East. But those big, interesting stories carry vast information and obviously stories were spread with half information or with half truth sometimes.
Men always had unexpected assumptions & dreams. In such way, When there were no Indian Traders for several months, native men gathered and discussed the stories told by the Indian traders but all with half information. Some said they had some gods & Goddesses, some said they had powerful weapons, some were more curious about their looks, some were not interested, some were confused. Everybody used to get more & more possessive and affected by the stories and those natives would wait for next batch of traders to continue the stories and that would happen eventually.
As more & more half information gathered around men, more ambitions and dreams were nurtured in the minds of those natives. It is always predictable that anything made with half information & knowledge would be disastrous and would serve sinister plans. Generations went by and those stories were still inherited by the younger generations with lesser knowledge as they were not very smart enough to carry those messages orally like Indians used to.
Sinister plans & dreams were plotted with those half truth or more or less all stories told by the Indian traders were now severed with lies, bigotry, hatred, jealousy and worse. That is somehow the birth of religion that has started in Jerusalem with Judaism followed by Christianity & Islam. Krishna was most probably misspelled or pronounced and was called Christianity. That were the times when the world changed forever and turned into a bomb about to explode in near future. This is the birth of religion, the three Abrahamic religions altogether somehow at the same place.
-----------------END OF THE STORY----------------------
Truth or Lie depends on your perception. Ignore any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.