Sunday 27 August 2017

An Open Letter to Christians and Muslims From A Fellow Hindu

Om Namah Shivaya
||ॐ नमः शवाय||

Read it carefully and understand. And Then Share it to
your Hindu Friends. Discuss with them & clarify the
doubts. Please don’t live in misunderstandings as it may
give harm us in future in some ways. It is important for
our children & our future.

By: Subhra P. Dey

The world needs to know what Hinduism can achieve in terms of peace,
harmony, compassion, pluralism, unity, co-existence, prosperity &
brotherhood. Hinduism had the greatest impact in recognizing non-violence
through spiritual extremeness & consciousness. Only those people will
understand it, who lives by it & embraced it in some form or other. Only the
nomad, sadistic, angry, mischievous, radical has become the ultimate
peaceful who embraced it and got healed from it.

Hinduism is nothing about myth but standard & factual history of our past
which are well approved by even science. Actually, Hinduism gave birth to
the science and someday Science will have to acknowledge the massive
wealth of Hinduism and make a bridge to help mankind and the planet
surviving peacefully. Thus Science & Hinduism now exists together &
enjoys their coexistence. Many famous scientists & historians have invented
their remarkable theories & inventions from the very books of Hinduism.
Numerous famous philosophers have found inspirations from Hinduism &
left their splendid works with us to show the future how beneficial and
powerful Hinduism can be. Without those inventions, works and
discoveries, we would all have been dusting in stone age. Hinduism is a
vast & galactic collection of data and information which even Science is
lacking with equipments to research it. So Science is still a long way to go
to decipher it.

Hinduism has come from time unknown and beyond. Some say it is more
than 5000 years old. Some say it is more than 10,000 years. But Scientists,
Geologists and Historians recently dated it to be more 28,000 years old.
They termed it ageless. Hinduism comes in the process of knowledge and

ancient cultures which our ancient sages had lived with and articulated &
advised us how to follow those cultures in life to lead a successful way of
life. There are no holy books in Hinduism but there more than 1000 books
which are considered sacred and the oldest literature of the world which are
simply based on classical models to spur knowledge among us. To start
with Hinduism (and not going into details), it begins with Vedas (meaning
Vidya or Knowledge which came from the word vid). It deals in cosmology,
laws of nature and elements. Then comes the Puranas (meaning The
Ancients) which are stories of various peoples of the past and their
contributions to the society. Some of them gods & goddesses and some are
their manifestations and other personalities. And so on the books of
knowledge goes telling us a beautiful epic of mankind & survival in the 4

By learning about Hinduism, we can yield the highest virtue of purpose of
life with simplicity. Hinduism is no longer a topic of ignorance which is
being embraced by a vast majority of people not only in India & Nepal but it
has quickly spread through Western countries & America along with Japan,
South Korea & countries of South America and Africa. Indeed it is the
fastest growing culture in the world. Ireland, Italy, Germany, Russia,
America, Netherlands have already showing the largest traits of it and
others too following those countrymen are rapidly embracing Hinduism in
their search of ultimate reality and peaceful co-existence.

Since 2011, in this journey of Pan-Hinduism, I have noticed & engaged with
many disciples of Hinduism & Buddhism who came forward from a
deceptive background of Islam & Christianity, who were indoctrinated to
these cults & dogma at a time of their childhood. We have witnessed their
forceful, threatening indoctrination in their schools, churches, mosques &
even homes primarily by the respective priests, parents, relatives etc.; So
now I believe the world has plummeted for them, failed them in reaching
the higher grounds of morality, rationality, objectivity & rigidity. Many have
been subjected to clue of the failure turning them possibly into radical
elements in the society. Many have lost the sense in their ultimate identity.
Many are no longer been able to see the purpose of life. Many have lost
motivation and chose different criteria to live life such as terrorism, drugs,
smuggling, sexual crimes and homicidal activities. What an indignity, we
are living into and often ply out why they were subjected to this tragedy by
the fellows of unreliable & gruesome forces who work for these Churches
and Mosques. These forces have literally waged a brutal war on the
principle of exclusivity of god and sins. What sins we are talking here now.
What sins we had born with and what sins if we are not born with; is a
questionable sensation for all of us to feel.

Is God so cruel to make us born with sins or are we getting indoctrinated by
those forces of respective churches and mosques? Have we lost our logical
and reasoning sanity to not see the darkest & sinister programs? Are we not
tired of that limitless enigma of their programs which are made to divide
peoples among the lines of religion, dogma, race, color of skin, caste & even
inclination of our noses?

If not why are the deadly wars responsible for the mortifying loss of millions
of innocents? Are not millions despicable tried to act of their own
foolishness who is trying to abolish them of their very own existence?

The grand unanimous answer is YES. Yes we are continuously falling in
this deepest enigma of miserable void but we are rather made to fall only by
those dark & evil forces that would stop at nothing, not even at your
merciful attention. Why do we not straighten the fact that we need to be
unite in this vital fight against those forces who are working against our
life, our family, our relationship and our own endurance & identity. We are
humans after all and not sinners. Sinners are not sent to earth for lavish
ingredient of comforts and luxury. Sinners are not happy, sinners don’t
smile and eat food but live as a slave to their masters who are not God
indeed. Yes we are not sinners; yes we are not accountable to any pre-conditional feature of life. The question thus arises here are what are we? What purpose we are given to? Why the hell are we not immortal by those

The answers lie only in one & only one vision. That vision is Hinduism. For
6 years, I have not found those answers in any books like Bible, Quran,
Hadith or Sahih Al-Bukhari which are a mere set of 1000 pages book
bounded in creepy covers and are sold to billion copies to every generation
of our children. Why are we letting those forces controlling our minds and
life to lead a deadly consequence that we are seeing for long time in the
past. Death & misery have become a common form for people living in Gulf
& African Nations, recently Philippines and Eastern Europe. What is the
index of longtime happiness we see in Europe & America now a days?

Do some research as well in hospitals & psychiatric wards. There will be
plenty accountable information regarding this tragic mayhem which is
going on in the West, Gulf, South & North America. Why Asia has been
projected to the highest edge, in terms of index of happiness although
Asians are now a day’s being subjected to similar sinister programs by the
evil forces of those Churches & Mosques. Let’s stop this nuisance and work
for progressive unity, peace & harmony. Hinduism will take you there
without any single occurrence of proselytization/conversion tactics. It is not
something that is thrown or forced or fed into our unlearned childish
brains. It is practiced, viewed, earned, learned, felt and nurtured. We then
become experts of it. We can then only control our limitless powers into
useful activities. So Hinduism will have answers to all your questions which
we were asking but unfortunately not getting answers. Hinduism will give
you a wide variety of scopes in this limitless journey of eternity and lively
experience of happiness. Many questions were made prohibited by your
churches and mosques to be answered. Why? Have you ever asked them
why can’t you get the answers of your concerned questions? Let me tell you

It is because their literature & books are very complex, confusing, and
dilemmatic to our logical questions. It is because your answers were not
pre-written or ever thought of by them. It is because you will know the
suspicious & darker sinister programs of the closely knit organization of evil
Churches & Mosques. Stop them before they act into your conscience and
make you a slave of unseen & unregistered reality.

In the beginning, it will be hard for you to get out of our indoctrinated faith
and acquire those answers of your concerned question. It will need your
guts and balls to compromise with it for some time. Remember to control
your grip into it. But in the end humans have always found another open
door. It is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter of endless
happiness and door to another realm of consciousness. Those who opened
& walked into that door have known the ultimate reality, consciousness.
They have found satisfaction of the questioning them and asking answers of
the concerned. Yes they have finally found the answers.

You may now also humbly share the details of this valuable information to
the near & dear ones who have fallen into the trap of Christianity & Islam are
finding it difficult to come out of their faith and question the needful to find
the answers.

In this very journey since 2012, I have met them and I have found them
living their truest life of eternity and blissfulness. It echoes to my heart and
brings joy to my core of beliefs and gives me strength everyday to work for
more on this regard.

P.S. The world is smaller in internet & social media so get in touch with me
whenever you seek those answers. I will try my best to ascertain the
concern and bring more simplified form of reasoning, factual determination
and logical interpretations. I can also be found in following digital platform:

1. Email:
2. Twitter: @dharmicPurush
3. Whatsapp: +91-7002323916
4. Skype: merqrus
5. Facebook:

  1. I am not a born Sinner. I am born divine.
  2. My Karma will take you to my rightful place.
  3. I don’t fear god. Why should I? He/she is not evil. They are our father/mother who loves us unconditionally.
  4. My duties, work & activities of selfless determination, benevolent ideology & meticulous compassion will lead to fruitful success.
  5. I won’t take it for money. I won’t do it for money.
  6. I won’t deceit or let dishonesty control my life.
  7. I won’t let others indoctrinate me who will prohibit me to ask what I seek.
  8. I will always seek the answers & basics of your untold indoctrinated path.
  9. Let me not stop what I seek to you. Be moral, rational, reasoning, logical & generous.
  10. I am not exclusive of other people but inclusive.
  11. We all are same and hence like to seek the answers of equality and pluralism.
  12. Show me the purpose of life in regards of mutual understanding and co-existence with other peoples of different race, caste, cults, belief and religion without proselytizing or converting them.  

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