Monday, 3 November 2014

The secret of achieving greatness in politics and formation of Govt in a third world.

As of 2014, If we consider a country's economic grade and form of government, it comes to a shocking consequence that no country in this third world are actually free from any kind of impracticality, dissatisfaction and distress unlike Germany under the rule of great Fuhrer until his death. Germans were really happy and flourishing under Fuhrer in every aspect. People were hardly seen disappointed. Fuhrer removed unemployment, corruption, poverty, Fanaticism in no time. This four aforementioned are the chief immoral evils in modern world. In any form of government, if it has to succeed in all phases then those evil factions need to be taken care of. As per IMF and UN, Its practically hard to remove this faction completely from the vicinity. Germany under Fuhrer was different. Germany was unified and as cohesive as concrete. The question is how was Fuhrer able to do so in a little amount of time?

Lets see some of the major forms of government and their respective indulgence in the world. Socialism or Socialist democracy or a more precise jargon as Marxist-Leninism as was present in Soviet Russia. There was happiness and prosperity but there was no kind of economic freedom for individualism. Starvation, agitation, De-industrialization,  vandalism followed. More severe Problems arose, persisted and Socialist democracy could survive more than 70 years. Post Soviet Russia is in a state of recession as of now due to more economic sanctions from the West and US.

China followed extreme form of Socialism or Commonly Communist. Pre World war, China was ripped apart by feudalism between different gangs and local lords. The gun powder played an significant role till Japs came in commanding and ruling igniting the flare of WW2. Post WW2, Mao Zedhong followed a strict form of Socialist democracy which would later be known as Maoism. Every right of individual was not enshrined. Labor and worker class were used as machines. Right to freedom and freedom of speech and communication were prohibited. Its cold war and Chinese intellectuals and students gathered in famous Tiannamen Square. Those survived the PLA massacre were lucky but China would never forget that drama, no matter Govt is doing many prohibitions to block propagating of Tiannamen Square massacre. China was wrecked and played by darkness and Social problems like forceful land acquisition, poverty and unemployment bloomed. North Korea follows the most extreme form of socialist democracy called Juzeh or Phariah living under one family demigod Kim has seen millions of purges and oppression against anyone who protest the regime.

So called super power and politically, economically strong govt of US, Japan, UK, France and third world Germany have also not proved to be successful either. Japan collapsing with low youth population, France still divided into Muslim, Christian and Jews, Germany's unemployment retained, UK facing the largest number of migration and phony problems. Poor growth rated Europe is again vulnerable to this evils and a ignition to a WW3 is just a bullet away. What about Clinton charmed citizens, Bush gone eras and latest bait drama in the name of Obamacared America. The definition of Fanaticism starts from this country, USA. 70% people are dying with Alzheimers, AIDS, Cancer, High Cholesterol, Obesity but McDonalds and Subway are doing pretty good with fast food. Impractical advertisements and commercials on television and NY's giant LCD screens are a major source of brain drain for young American people. The basics of morality among the US people are dispersed, blown and shattered in the Capitalistic form of US govt. Both parties Democratic and Republican practically uses the same agenda, money power, fake empathy and love of Oil and love of war against minnows. In fact if we ever talk about politics and economic condition of US with native US citizens, it is found to be very shocking that they are too naive to understand America's interest be it political, military, social or economic. Native American youths doesn't survive the clash of world class education system against mighty brainheads of Asian and Hispanic migrates. Drug abuse, Rapes, prostitution, trafficking, racketeering, corruption at white collar level are the basic amnesties and excuses of higher and middle class citizens. The great depression era, terrorism, recessions and economic stagnancy are perfectly dissolved in their culture and society in such a way that its people are unable to distinguish in which way they are being propagated by the mighty psychological warfare played by their govt against its own citizens. CIA creating terrorist organization in middle east, supplying arms and ammunition and then wages war against its own created organization for muscle power. This is what happens when a govt is unable to play out Fanaticism. The Fuhrer was historically the first leader of the world who defeated fanaticism in a mere 3 years and brought back huge economic and political reforms to make Germany one of the most prosperous country in the world, no country has ever matched. Imperialism and double faced democracy are two major sources of propaganda election and Authoritarian  in USA and people outside US knows its in sham ruled by Bankocracy, Populist Idealism. In other words, US follows a hidden derivative of collective Fascism focusing mainly of Patriotism and National Identity but doesnt supress the opposition, that's why the name Collective Fascism.

Moving south-east wards, we arrive at a country as versatile and vibrant as the solar system. India. the world's largest democracy ruled mostly by Nehruvians and Gandhians, The Congress. People in India are really intelligent and care worthy and care giver until the congress which is none the less comprised of thugs and crooked political leaders demolished that very image of India or Bharat which is natively known. Corruption, Poverty, Unemployment, famine, Low growth index, superstitions, minority-majority problems all propelled simultaneously plunging the once called rich and prosperous Nation into a disparaging low. But somehow it was still enough for India to survive this mayhem due to huge youth population and that too thrived in IT and somehow maintaining the economic status among the other super powers. India never had Fanaticism which is a good sign. The Fuhrer during WW2 had kind of likened India's spirit and expressed concern with then INA chief SC Bose. India still need to go a long way to ebb out remaining three evil biz corruption, unemployment and poverty. How this is possible with Fuhrer gone and SC Bose disappearing mysteriously?

For me Both Fuhrer and Bose had one thing in common. The zeal to strive for their own countrymen. The urge to nourish and flourish their own country rather their pockets. A sense of humour mixed with fearless agility, sturdiness and gallantry. A feeling of being called a fellow countrymen rather then a Statesman. Both were inspiring, revolutionary, bold and a guiding source. The aforesaid are the features of a Nationalistic Leader which despite of lack of external fund resources and political experience took Germany into new heights, the world never witnessed before. Germany was rattled by evils and mischievous whores of Babylon till Fuhrer as a true Nationalistic Leader turned the page. Without Bose Indians felt betrayed by the Congress, petrified by thugs and goons, INA stripped off and exterminated without public conscience. The country plunged to some deeper problems like inflation and poverty till a new leader who was selling tea on road side as a child took oath as the 15th Prime Minister of India recently. He is Narendra Damodardas Modi. In him we all see those features though not fairly seen but still noticeable. India currently sitting at its pinnacle and evidently the only country which is on its way to become what Germany was during Fuhrer. India definitely drives on pure democracy which has its loopholes but Democracy accompanied by a Nationalistic Leader is a powerful force to drive India to an unparalleled summit. India has attained maximum level of freedom in every aspect and the economy is mounting day by day. The "Making In India" project has already started to take its shape allowing private sectors to play a more significant role in defence and industries. IT sector as always the backbone of India. The absence of this Nationalism since post WW2 is unequivocally the reason of all backlash in every country. Henceforth India unanimously is the only country which can strive to greatness under Modi and will still be more hungry for great-fulness and gracefulness. Greatness is what we Indians are hungry for and Nationalism is exactly what we can nurture along with Modi and then hopefully we can a wave a checkered flag to the unfinished work of SC. Bose.

P.S. This article is not meant to hurt anyone's political sentiments and religious belief. If so, I regret for the same.

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